Connect Microcontroller
Steps for connecting a 32-bit microcontroller (such as Teensy, Raspberry PICO, Arduino Due, or ESP32) to the BLDC driver board
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Steps for connecting a 32-bit microcontroller (such as Teensy, Raspberry PICO, Arduino Due, or ESP32) to the BLDC driver board
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Not all driver boards have current sensors
external power source (-)
external power source (+)
digital pin
IN1, IN2, IN3
PWM enabled digital pins
C1, C2
analog (ADC) pins (optional)
3.3 volt output
ground pin
CS (select)
CS/SS pin (Teensy 3.2: PIN10)
SCK (clock)
SCK/SCLK/CLK pin (Teensy 3.2: PIN13)
MISO (master input, slave output)
MISO/SDI/DI/DIN pin (Teensy 3.2: PIN12)
MOSI (master output, slave input)
MOSI/SDO/DO/DOUT (Teensy 3.2: PIN11)
Update the initialization at the start of the library to match the pin numbers of the MCU.